Wednesday, November 03, 2004
The whole "go to sleep and when you wake up there will be a new president" idea apparently was total crap. It appears the a few states don't have there act together. It also appears that the news stations don't know what's going on either. Not too many of them have the same results.
Here's what I've found so far:
Electoral Votes
Bush - 269
Kerry - 238
Bush - 254
Kerry - 252
Bush - 254
Kerry - 252
Bush - 269
Kerry - 242
Bush - 254
Kerry - 252
Bush - 254
Kerry - 242

all these results were as of this morning at 8:18 am.

I am also pissed off that Bush has declared victory, or that his camp has declared victory. Just wait until the end. Is that too much to ask? I would think he would want to is such a close election, but what do you expect from someone who is a functioning illiterate. All in all, this is such crap. Perhaps, over the next four years Cheney and Bush can have their heads removed from their butts. I'm not sure if it will happen because from all recent reports they seem pretty far up their. I just hope no one on the supreme court dies or retires because I'm pretty sure he would appoint Judge Judy. Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap. Total crap.

| Maribeth| | 6:07 AM|

Tuesday, November 02, 2004
It's Election Night!!!!! I am so happy that it is finally here!!! I think my heart just exploded with glee!!!! Glee is spewing out of my chest cavity and getting all over everything in the room!!!! I hope glee comes out of clothes easily!!!! Extra exclamations for election day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, I'm sick of all the news channels. Everything is pretty much predictions right now, or at least it was when I quit watching it a couple hours ago. It's kind of like Christmas, if you stay awake, it's never going to get here. I mean that if you stay awake watching that mindless crap, then there won't seem to be an answer. The best thing to do is just go to sleep and wait until morning.

Actually, I'm not going to sleep. I was going to watch the Sopranos Season 4, but I think I've seen it already. I'm not sure though. I might have only seen disc one. This is quite perplexing to me. I checked my Netflix rental history, and I've never rented it before. I'm not sure if I rented it from Blockbuster or not. It's tearing me up inside. Oh yes, I am back in Netflix. They keep sucking me back in. It's kind of weird though because a few months ago they raised their 3 out-at-a-time price to 21.99 and now they lowered it to 17.99. I'm not sure why that is. I considered renting from blockbuster online because they give you two in-store rentals a month, but I decided to go back to Netflix because they have my list of movies saved. They also have more distribution centers, which is very important when living in a big city like Starky.

That's the update of my life.

Kerry won Davidson county. I just called him and told him. We had a moment. If only the rest of the state had wised up. I hope all your jobs get outsourced. Especially the Sonic Car Hops.

| Maribeth| | 9:50 PM|

foil ball


foil ball was created many years ago in a middle room in a house in Nashville
two sisters were sitting in recliners, lesiurly tossing a ball made of foil to one another
little did they know that they were about to create the best game ever
they called the game "foil ball", and it was good

since then, foil ball has become the official game of Earth

kudos to these two sisters, the people of Earth thank you


-a ball made of foil
-two chairs at least four feet apart
-a desire to kick some foil butt
-foil lasso (optional)
-foil hat (optional)


-the foil ball must be made of foil
-the foil may not come from a roll of foil
-the players may not move out of their chairs
-the foil lasso may only be used as a very last resort
-the foil hat is only for looks, because all good foil ballers know, you
must be stylin' and profilin' when playing foil ball

dvds I've watched lately

no koalas

no koalas

no koalas

currently viewing

my new house

my one true love


my birthname is maribeth
you can call me foilmari
my hobbies are foil ball
and only foil ball
if you can't handle it
get off the computer


write me a heart letter
I heart Church Signs
I heart Uncle Jesse
I heart sister
I heart family
I heart O-Dogg
I heart Teen Lingo
I heart the Gender Genie
I heart kickball
I heart questions
I heart typer shark

under construction


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