Saturday, December 20, 2003
I'm back in Nashville . . . . . . what fun.

I'm going to church tomorrow for the first time in months. I'm only going to Sunday school. Afterwards I think I'm going out with Charles. There's a lot we need to talk about. I talked to him some on the way home. It's kind of weird that we both are feeling the same way. I really just need someone to help me organize my thoughts.

I hate the downstairs computer. I can't wait to get it all nice and pretty. Hopefully I will be able to do what I want with it.

I heart Tiger Beat JTT and Eye Candy!!!!!!

Operation Drip Drop was a success!

| Maribeth| | 9:26 PM|

So, today I was cleaning out my car and found not one, but two cigarettes. This is rather odd, since I don't smoke and everyone who's been in the car lately doesn't smoke either. It's a bit puzzling. Perhaps it's a sign from God that I should start smoking. I normally wouldn't think that, but there were TWO cigarettes.

I haven't returned any of my voicemails. I'm such a horrible person to keep in touch with. I will probably call everyone back once I get to Nashville. There's no point in doing it now, since I'm stuck in this crazy crazy town.

I watched a full hour of Lord of the Rings last night. I think that will be my new Christmas tradition. Each year I will watch a little bit more of the movie. Last year I watched fifteen minutes. I am happy about my new tradition.

I've got big plans once I get to Nashville. I'm going to watch movies nonstop. There are a couple out now that I'd like to see. There's this French cartoon that I'd like to see, but only because it's French. I'll be so glad to have a wider range of movies to choose from.

Would it be wrong to take a crap in the roomies' bathroom and not flush? I'm sure they would appreciate the present. It would tell them exactly how I feel about them.

| Maribeth| | 12:53 PM|

Thursday, December 18, 2003
Starkville is driving me insane!!!!!!!!!!

It's ten thirty and I'm going to sleep. . . . . . .

What a wild life I live

| Maribeth| | 8:29 PM|

I've got joy down in my heart!!!
Deep deep down in my heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I moved the cable box to the common room. I don't think you really need a phone line, unless you're ordering pay-per-view. I don't think any of the boxes at home have phone lines running into them, but I'll ask later to make sure.

I was looking on eBay, to see how much an extra bow would cost. They're about 70 to 80 dollars, which I can't afford right now. I'm trying to decide if I need all those channels in my room or not. It would be a major distraction. . . . . .

I got an e-mail from the guy who's sending me my tuner for the computer. He said it's in the mail, but I'm not sure if he mailed it today or Tuesday????? I don't want to wait around until next week!!!


Anyways, I get to watch Queer Eye to night, even though it's a rerun . . . .

| Maribeth| | 10:09 AM|

I now have digital cable! Yippee!

Sadness though, it has to be hooked up to a phone line, so I couldn't put it in the common room. It is now sitting in my room, but I plan on moving it later. I'm not sure if it will work, but it's worth the try.

I am getting incredibly sick of Dawson's Creek. No one is that articulate. It makes me mad. There's so much I want and need to say, but it doesn't come out how I want it to.

I can now order porn. No more runs to the video store and the shame of looking through the adult titles.

| Maribeth| | 7:30 AM|

Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Just so everyone knows, if you ever buy a PT Cruiser, you can count on our friendship to be over.

It's 9:30 and I'm exhausted. It's almost my bedtime.

The cable guy is coming tomorrow. Maybe I should make out with him so he'll hook me up with cinemax for free . . . . . .

| Maribeth| | 7:24 PM|

Uncle Jesse signed my blog!!!!!!!!!

Oh what Joy!!!!

| Maribeth| | 3:35 PM|

I am royally bored. I've been watching Dawson's Creek since yesterday, and I've about had it with them.

I copied this from Michael's blog. I am sooooo bored and I felt like answering questions. Some answers are more indepth than others, so just deal with it.

1. LIVING ARRANGEMENT: 2 whores, but I'm pretty sure they're moving out, then I'll be by myself. Luckily I have the voices in my head to keep me company . . . . .
2. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING: Jeppesen's Private Pilot textbook, actually I'm not reading it, but I should be reading it
3. WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD: My mouse pad is the touchpad on my laptop, and usually my finger is on it
4. FAVORITE MAGAZINE: Us, it's so stupid it's good
5. FAVORITE SMELL: I don't think I have a favorite smell, but I do know what I don't like to smell, and that's garbage that has been left in the apartment for weeks (by the whores), and the septic tank overflow smell that the Commons tends to smell like from time to time
6. FAVORITE SOUND: My answer is similar to the one above, I hate the sound of Bi-atch's voice, especially her laughter
7. WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD: Having everything you were so sure of being torn apart
UP: should I go back to sleep or should I take a shower
9. FAVORITE COLOR: I partial to blue, but I like to wear green
10. HOW MANY RINGS BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE PHONE: I'm not really sure how many rings it is on my cell phone, usually in the middle of whatever song my ringtone is set to, at home it's whenever the caller id shows up
11. FUTURE CHILD'S NAME: Any of the American Gladiator's names are fine with me, I actually have an idea, but no one knows about it, because I'm afraid they'll think it's stupid
12: WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT IN LIFE: Happiness, for you and those around you
13. FAVORITE FOODS: If I eat it, then it's probably a favorite, I like my dad's steak
14. CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA: I have to be in the mood, but usually chocolate
15. DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE FAST: I like to drive with traffic
17. IF YOU COULD MEET ONE PERSON DEAD OR ALIVE WHO WOULD IT BE: I don't like meeting people in general
19. FAVORITE DRINK: Sweet tea, but it has to be really sweet, Sonic sweet
21. DO YOU EAT THE STEMS OF BROCCOLI: no, I do not eat any part of broccoli
23. IF YOU COULD DYE YOUR HAIR ANY COLOR, WHAT WOULD IT BE: I'm content the way I am, I don't like fakeness
24. IS THE GLASS HALF EMPTY OR HALF FULL: Half full, but I have my half empty days
25. FAVORITE MOVIE: The Wizard, or Milo and Otis, or Back to the Future
26. EVER BEEN IN LOVE: I have no idea, I have a theory about being in love, but I won't bore you with it here
27. DO YOU TYPE WITH YOUR FINGERS ON THE RIGHT KEYS: nope, but I love typer shark, so maybe I'll learn
28. WHAT'S UNDER YOUR BED: dead bodies, and nasty carpet
29. FAVORITE NUMBER: 9, is so wonderful and mathematical, I could talk for days on the wonderful number nine
30. FAVORITE SPORT TO WATCH: soccer, blame it on my many years of being goalie
31. SAY ONE NICE THING ABOUT THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU: No one sent this to me, I stole it, I know I'm bad. The person who I stole it from is very kind and selfless
33. HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN MARRIED IF OF COURSE YOU ARE: not legally married, but I did get "married" in the eight grade, and we never had a "divorce" or got it "annulled"
34. NAME A PERSON WHO HAS CHANGED YOUR LIFE: I know who I want to say, but they might read this, I have a theory on this too, everyone changes or has an impact on your life, small or large
35. FAVORITE FLOWER: gerbra daises, I don't know why, I just like them, I know I don't like roses, they are way to cliche, but I like the way lilies smell. Hoo-Rah for floral design

I hope you all enjoyed that. Don't you feel like you know me so much better now?

| Maribeth| | 3:30 PM|

So, I was suppose to go fly yesterday, but that didn't happen. After an hour of ground and doing the pre-flight, we find out that the alternator isn't working. Apparently you can't fly a plane when it isn't working (I really need to read my pilot book). I want to fly later this week, but he has to go back to Jackson. He said we could fly their, but I'd rather not stay with my relations, for fear of severely hurting one of their offspring. He said he would have let me stay with him and his mom, but they've got a full house. That would have been pretty weird. I want to fly but I'll have to wait until after the holidays. SADNESS!!!!!

I want to get out of this apartment, but no one is in town. And those who are in town are busy. I've given up on calling to see if they're free. They have my number and can call me.

I need to go Christmas shopping, but I really don't care to. I'm sick of the crowds and the traffic. I don't really feel like leaving the apartment. I just want to loaf around and wait until next semester.

I have to get my oil changed, but that involves leaving the apartment. I need to get it done before I go back to Nashville. I don't know when that will be. I'm waiting on a package and it probably won't get here until this weekend. There's also a lot of stuff I need to do around here.

I don't feel like Christmas. It doesn't feel like December. I feel like blah. I don't want to buy anyone anything, nor do I want to receive anything.

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

| Maribeth| | 1:06 PM|

Monday, December 15, 2003
Big-un's Room

| Maribeth| | 7:44 AM|

Sunday, December 14, 2003
Bi-atch's Room

| Maribeth| | 11:10 AM|

I had a wonderful night's sleep last night. I went to bed about 8, woke up at 2, stayed up for and hour or so, then went back to sleep until 7 this morning. I feel so refreshed and am no longer in a bad mood.

Big-un left her alarm on. So for an hour it kept beeping. It is surprisingly easy to break into her room. Since I had to break into her room, I had to break into Bi-atch's room too. Both rooms are pretty boring. Big-un has gotten all her stuff piled together. It looks like she's definitely moving out. Bi-atch has a bunch of tri-delt crap lying around. She also has pictures of her sex partner up. If I get bored later, I'll break back in and take pictures.

I'm making a quest over to Columbus today. I am quite excited. I plan on going to Big Lots and Lowes. I'm not sure what I'm looking for, but I hope I find it. I do plan on getting some new mini-blinds. The ones now are terrible. I looked online, and the prices at Lowes don't seem too bad, as long as I get simple mini-blind. I might et some other things, but I'm not sure yet.

| Maribeth| | 9:06 AM|

foil ball


foil ball was created many years ago in a middle room in a house in Nashville
two sisters were sitting in recliners, lesiurly tossing a ball made of foil to one another
little did they know that they were about to create the best game ever
they called the game "foil ball", and it was good

since then, foil ball has become the official game of Earth

kudos to these two sisters, the people of Earth thank you


-a ball made of foil
-two chairs at least four feet apart
-a desire to kick some foil butt
-foil lasso (optional)
-foil hat (optional)


-the foil ball must be made of foil
-the foil may not come from a roll of foil
-the players may not move out of their chairs
-the foil lasso may only be used as a very last resort
-the foil hat is only for looks, because all good foil ballers know, you
must be stylin' and profilin' when playing foil ball

dvds I've watched lately

no koalas

no koalas

no koalas

currently viewing

my new house

my one true love


my birthname is maribeth
you can call me foilmari
my hobbies are foil ball
and only foil ball
if you can't handle it
get off the computer


write me a heart letter
I heart Church Signs
I heart Uncle Jesse
I heart sister
I heart family
I heart O-Dogg
I heart Teen Lingo
I heart the Gender Genie
I heart kickball
I heart questions
I heart typer shark

under construction


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