Friday, July 09, 2004
I started this blog on Friday October 10, 2003. I did a survey. I can't sleep right now, so I thought I'd do the survey again.

[Your name spelled backwards] naiviv
[Where were your parents born] they were hatched in mississippi
[The last thing you downloaded onto your PC?] pop up blocker and spyware software
[What's your favorite restaurant?] it used to be the cooker, but they closed, then it was harvey's but they took my dish off the menu, now it's harvey's, but who knows for how long
[Last time you swam in a pool?] sometime in may
[Have you ever been in a school play?] no
[How many kids do you want?] four or five
[Type of music you dislike most?] elevator
[Are you registered to vote?] sho' nuff, send in my request to vote absentee tomorrow
[Do you have cable?] yes
[Have you ever ridden on a Moped?] no, but my future husband and i will ride off into the sunset with one
[Ever prank call anybody?] all my calls are prank calls
[Ever get a parking ticket?] of corse, what msu student hasn't
[Would you bungee jump or go sky diving?] more likely to go skydiving
[Furthest place you've ever traveled] oregon
[Do you have a garden?] it's not so much a garden as it is a place to bury my victims
[Know all the words to your national anthem?] let's say yes
[Bath or shower, morning or night?] shower, before class
[Best movie you've seen in the past month?] seing how this month is only a week old, i'm going to have to say chasing liberty
[Favorite pizza toppings?] pepperoni
[Chips or popcorn?] chips, less need to floss afterwards
[What color lipstick do you usually wear?] blue, i like to look like i've drowned
[Have you ever smoked peanut shells?] umm....
[Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?] not yet, they're still looking for people who could compete with my beauty without being laughed off stage
[orange juice or apple juice] apple juice with my gin, orange juice with my vodka
[Who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine?] ian, wednesday, harveys, i had lemon pepper chicken with mashed potatoes, he had delta chicken with mashed potatoes
[Favorite type chocolate bar?] 3 musketeers, after all these years they're still together
[Have you ever won a trophy?] yes, 2004-queen of the world
[Are you a good cook?] i can order takeout like you've never seen
[Do you know how to pump your own gas?] can i say yes if i always refer to a how-to guide?
[Sprite or 7-up?] sprite
[Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work?] yes, sonic, and then there were my street walking days. . .
[Last thing you bought at a pharmacy?] i don't take any prescription drugs, so nothing.
[Ever throw up in public?] second grade, and they treid to call my mom to come get me, but they couldn't get ahold of her
[Being a millionaire or finding true love] true love, but hopefully not with a homeless man
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] negative
[Ever call a 1-900 #?] no, but there was that time that i used to work at one
[Can ex's be friends?] sure, unless the other person is crazy or an asshole, or both
[Did you have a lot of hair as a baby?] full fro
[What message is on your answering machine?] me telling you that you called me
[What's your all time favorite SNL character?] tina fey on weekend update
[What was the name of your first pet?] smokey
[What is in your purse?] air
[Favorite thing to do before bedtime?] watch the daily show
[What is one thing you are grateful for today?] it's friday
[What is one thing you want people to know about you?] i accept cash and all major credit cards to fund my extravagent lifestyle
1. What's on your bedside table? shrinky dinks and trash
2. What's the geekiest part of your music collection? the moffitts
3. What do you eat when you raid the fridge at night? orange sherbert
5. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done? i don't know what's up with this could, i can, but i'm not going to
6. Do you have a completely irrational fear? puppets
7. What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments? when i blink
8. Do you ever have to beg? beg-no, whine-yes, have to-no
9. Do you have too many love interests? this is a stupid question
10. Do you know anyone famous? my sister, Master of the Universe (didn't have to change this one at all, I've yet to meet anyone more famouse that her)
11. Describe your bed. fluffy, semi-clean, sleeper's paradise
12. Spontaneous or plan? go with the flow
13. Who should play you in a movie about your life? homer simpsons and eddie murphy, ala michelle on full house
14. Do you know how to play poker? the knowledge is there, it's the skill i'm lacking
15. What do you carry with you at all times? a smile on my face and a song in my heart
16. How do you drive? 10 and 2 my friend, 10 and 2
17. What do you miss most about being little? community baths
18. Are you happy with your given name? i was, then some other maribeth with an i decides to come to MSU, and now you can't find me by simply typing in Maribeth in the directory
19. What color is your bedroom? dingy white
20. What was the last song you were listening to? theme song to fairly odd parents
21. Have you ever been in a school play? nope
22. Have you ever been in love? last time i said yes, but i was lying to myself, this time, i think i am, i'll let you know later
23. Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? like the little engine that could
25. Do you think you're cute? as a boot, or button, or whatever inanimate oblect you prefer to use
26. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? yes, nice a quiet

| Maribeth| | 2:23 AM|

Yesterday I completed my twentieth year of life. It was good. I will now go over the highlights, good and bad:

Got a boyfriend for the first time in years
Went to New York/Miami/Orlando
Learned how to get a W grade
Started a blog
Changed my major
Let Saccy free into the wild, even though I didn't want to
Learned that Michael Lewis Eberhardt is the craziest asshole that I've ever met
Had the bi-atches move out, even though they might not have been all that bad
Fianlly met Evan
Met a nice young fellow named Ian
Went to Oxford with a guy I barely knew, and ended up having a great time
Went in the tunnels on campus
Shot a potato gun
Explored buildings under construction
Got another boyfriend
Realized how fun it is to laugh again
Met new friends, such as T-Dogg, Snaggles, and Allen Domino, people I only know from where they work
Finally went to Unicycling
Got roommate after roommate after roommate
Redicovered my love of puzzles
Visit the exciting land of Greenville
Fell in love
Decided to change my major again
Decided that I'm never going to drink alcohol, ever
Worked at the bookstore
Gaining a better understanding of what the Commons will fine you for
Found a partner to take scuba diving with
Stayed a full month in Starky
Actually looked for a job, and turned in applications
Went a week without going to Wal-Mart
Got a GBA
Slowly becoming addicted to video games again

I think that's the most part of it. I'm sure there are other things, but those stick out in my mind. Here's to another year in the life of me. Join me.

I would like to give a shout out to all who gave me presents:
Pops - I don't think you actually gave me anything desinated for my bday, but you pay for everything, and that's more than enough
LuLewD - video game, underwear, wal-mart bank, and various odds and ends
Sister - picking out my dinnerware
Brother and Netty - the couch and microwave
Aunt Mae and fam - Lowe's giftcard
Paps - a check
Nans - a phone call
Uncle John and fam - Wal-Mart giftcard

Last but not least, Ian - Game Boy Advanced SP and game, it had totally changed my life

| Maribeth| | 1:44 AM|

Wednesday, July 07, 2004
I'm about to go to bed now and I'm watching a little bit of tv. On Vh-1 it's the secret life of swingers. It looks pretty gross. There's this one couple with a teenage son. They say he doesn't know about their lifestyle. I doubt finding out on national tv that your parents sleep around is this best thing in the world.

My boyfriend is the most kick butt boyfriend in the whole world. He got me a game boy advance for my birthday. He woke me up on tuesday and gave it to me. I wasn't expecting it at all. I though he was just going to get me walkie-talkie watches and nothing else. He also got me a game that we've been playing ever since. That's all I feel like writing now.

I'm tired and sleepy. Little sister needs to update.

| Maribeth| | 10:43 PM|

I got the most kick butt birthday present ever, but more on that later.

I was just looking at my visitor stats, and apparently a few people are finding my blog by googling Degrassi. This makes me proud. It shows how I am a true Degrassi fan, unlike my little sister. It's okay little sis, one day, one day.

Another thing I found while looking at my stats, someone googled my name and foil ball. That would be weird enough, but they were on a msstate server!!!! Who here knows about foil ball??? I wonder if I have a stalker. I wonder if they're cute. If you're the person who did that, make a comment.

That's all I have the urgent need to write right now.

| Maribeth| | 5:59 PM|

Monday, July 05, 2004
Amwrica's birthday has come to an end. It is now time to start preparing for the next great national holiday, my birthday. There are only four days left. I will accept most things that can be returned for cash.

Today I stayed up really late/early after visiting Ian at work. I took a little nap before he came home at nine. We then ate a pizza while papa Heisterkamp went off to church. After the pizza I tried to go back to sleep, but I wasn't tired anymore. I tried to sleep, and I think I might have. I ended up getting out of bed at around six-ish. I tried to stinky Ian out of bed, but he was too tired. He ended up waking up around seven and we went to Wal-Mart to buy Jelly Beans. It was all good. We came back and played cards with the family. I was tied with Bill for a little while, but I ended up coming in third. We ended up eating around ten. Someone was shooting fireworks across the lake and we watched them. Ian went to work and here I am.

Blah Blah Blah

| Maribeth| | 2:38 AM|

Sunday, July 04, 2004
Today has been quite a fun little day. I was awoken by Bill around one-ish to see if I would like some nourishment. I politely declined and went back to sleep. Around six, I decided I had slumbered enough, so I went to go see if little Ian was awake. He wasn't, so I decided to take a shower. It was good. I went out to the den to cross stitch and hang out with Little Foot. We had a little arts and crafts corner going. The Wedding Singer was on, my stitched were being crossed, life was good. Then Bill asked if I liked to play card games. All I wanted to do was stitch, but I said yes. I was glad I did. We played a fun little game called Wizard. It's kind of hard to explain but it's pretty easy to pick up. I didn't do too well, but if we play again tomorrow, I plan on kicking some Heisterkamp heinie. Ian slept until eight. We all went to a Mexican resauraunt to eat. I had chicken tenders while everyone else had some Mexican things. We watched the Women's soccer team play Canada. Since they were playing in Nashville, I felt closer to my family then I have in days. After dinner we dropped off Little Foot and returned home. Ian, Bill, and I watched some TV. Bill fell asleep in the recliner. Ian took a shower. We ate sherbert and lost track of time. Ian had to scurry off to work. I said good-bye and have been watching Nick at Nite ever since. He goes on break at three, and I think I'm going to go down there and try to see him.


| Maribeth| | 12:33 AM|

foil ball


foil ball was created many years ago in a middle room in a house in Nashville
two sisters were sitting in recliners, lesiurly tossing a ball made of foil to one another
little did they know that they were about to create the best game ever
they called the game "foil ball", and it was good

since then, foil ball has become the official game of Earth

kudos to these two sisters, the people of Earth thank you


-a ball made of foil
-two chairs at least four feet apart
-a desire to kick some foil butt
-foil lasso (optional)
-foil hat (optional)


-the foil ball must be made of foil
-the foil may not come from a roll of foil
-the players may not move out of their chairs
-the foil lasso may only be used as a very last resort
-the foil hat is only for looks, because all good foil ballers know, you
must be stylin' and profilin' when playing foil ball

dvds I've watched lately

no koalas

no koalas

no koalas

currently viewing

my new house

my one true love


my birthname is maribeth
you can call me foilmari
my hobbies are foil ball
and only foil ball
if you can't handle it
get off the computer


write me a heart letter
I heart Church Signs
I heart Uncle Jesse
I heart sister
I heart family
I heart O-Dogg
I heart Teen Lingo
I heart the Gender Genie
I heart kickball
I heart questions
I heart typer shark

under construction


10/05/2003 - 10/12/2003
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